Scene 1 - I meet the Big Bad World
I was thrown out.Yes I was.Everyone is.Eventually.I did take a little longer than most,but I'm out finally and I'm happy.I'm all alone on X1.My parents dont care for me, and I'm free to do what I want,to roam where I want to and to make something of myself.
I have to admit.It was a little hard at first.But now im gradually warming up to the idea.I wonder though,if maybe there is another world out there where twerps actually care for their children always.Does some kind of a lasting tie-up exist between beings of the same family on some other world?You probably think I'm crazy right?
I walked along the road to the little Sement factory.Theres always work there.Old ScumBag is a jolly good twerp and he could always use extra hands,so I'm thinking maybe I'll work at the factory for a while,make me some money and then move on.You know...up the ladder or wherever it is....I'm thinking this and walking, when suddenly my world goes dark...
I have to admit.It was a little hard at first.But now im gradually warming up to the idea.I wonder though,if maybe there is another world out there where twerps actually care for their children always.Does some kind of a lasting tie-up exist between beings of the same family on some other world?You probably think I'm crazy right?
I walked along the road to the little Sement factory.Theres always work there.Old ScumBag is a jolly good twerp and he could always use extra hands,so I'm thinking maybe I'll work at the factory for a while,make me some money and then move on.You know...up the ladder or wherever it is....I'm thinking this and walking, when suddenly my world goes dark...
The 'Prince of Pot'

Yes,That is what you think it is....(I'm thinking a joint?)
You gotta love this guy.Marc Emery is Canada's prince of pot.And he wants to spread the word.Like a potty Jesus you see?Yes...my children...Pot is good...Apparently, seeds mailed by this prince have grown 2.2 billion dollars worth of pot.The FDA probably had a very hard time catching upto him coz he did this so openly eh ?He says hes willing to be extradited to the US if only one count of trafficking stands(and in all probability he'll see the inside of a jail cell by August).Crime my friends....has never been so noble...
Free Borders

It has long been my view that borders as they stand today are a disgrace to the fundamental human right that mankind has to roam the earth(unopposed).
It is understandable,nay neccessary even that all countries today have borders.That much I am willing to concede.What I clamour for is a time when every human being is free to roam the earth,to visit any country and to settle down where he/she feels comfortable.Wouldnt this solve a lot of problems plaguing the world today ?
I understand,like all cynics out there that this would also create as many problems.Looking at it in the long term though I think even the cynical mind must embrace the beauty of this ideology.Maybe this is the start of something.Maybe it isn't.I stood up and I hope I've been counted.
The adventures of Psonmi
Beginning of a new series of stories whose protagonist is Psonmi(piss-on-me).A (hopefully) fictional boy who lives on an entirely fictional world(it's in my mind you see?)
More about this world..
Psonmi is a native of X1,one of many worlds his kind inhibat in their particular galaxy,called the cadbury galaxy.Psonmi is a twerp,who to an outsider would be pesky little man like creatures whose vocal frequencies are almost similar to those of a hummingbird.
X1 is inhabited by a lush variety of flora and fauna,which i will introduce you to later and also by some things which the twerps havent discovered(which obviously i cannot introduce you to)..It is a world that is constituted of 3/4ths petroleum and the rest is dry desert.There is as such only one large landmass and this is weighed down by the twerps and their friends.
Time is of little value on X1.People scurry around to do whatever they want to whenever they want to and yet somehow seemingly, everyone seems to get by...
Hooked yet?No?Yes?Well...whatever your answer is,watch this space for more...
More about this world..
Psonmi is a native of X1,one of many worlds his kind inhibat in their particular galaxy,called the cadbury galaxy.Psonmi is a twerp,who to an outsider would be pesky little man like creatures whose vocal frequencies are almost similar to those of a hummingbird.
X1 is inhabited by a lush variety of flora and fauna,which i will introduce you to later and also by some things which the twerps havent discovered(which obviously i cannot introduce you to)..It is a world that is constituted of 3/4ths petroleum and the rest is dry desert.There is as such only one large landmass and this is weighed down by the twerps and their friends.
Time is of little value on X1.People scurry around to do whatever they want to whenever they want to and yet somehow seemingly, everyone seems to get by...
Hooked yet?No?Yes?Well...whatever your answer is,watch this space for more...

I imagine myself right now.As a roman soldier.Ooh..This is itchy...
Someone walks up to me and says:"General!The front is not holding up to well.."I think to myself..."How did he know?" and then i say(shout actually in a rather more manly tone than what i can normally produce):Send in the reinforcements while always thinking to myself,why must all these men die in vain?All because some guy called Caesar(apparently one of the greatest emperors of all time(The Roman Chronicle etc etc...),sounds more like a name suitable for salad dressing if you ask me...)says we must win him glory on the battlefield.I mean what kind of *%$^#^#)^* is that?
Things still itchy...god ...damn these androgynous tailors...anyhow...I've gotto go now...
And so ends our valiant(yes I'm still talking about me,don't snigger) general's story.He died soon after.I believe his(my) last words were...ooh...This really is itchy...
Pixel Qi Screen
New LCD technology from the folks at Pixel Qi.Cheaper screen meant to play media and read ebooks.For the gadget freaks out there who must do it in style - on a 10" screen.
Youtube XL
Name Origins - Butthole Surfers

Surfing a fine line there...
These guys started out in 1981, and didn't even have a name. They used a different one at every show, one of which being "Nine Foot Worm Makes Own Food." Try saying that one drunk; this nonsense all changed the night an announcer forgot the name they gave him, and simply called them by one of their 1984 song titles, Butthole Surfer. It may have hurt album sales initially, but over time, it's only helped make them more well known.More...
Peace Camp
Alien Island

Socotra = Sanskrit for "The Island of Beaches"
Weird shaped fauna abide on this wee little isle situated in the Indian Ocean 250 km from Somalia and 340 km from Yemen.The island, which is part of a group of 4 islands, has been geographically isolated from mainland Africa for the last 6 or 7 million years. Like the Galapagos Islands, this island is teeming with 700 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth.
An ideal holiday spot?I think not you small minded people(p.s. endemic? )
A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape which can be split into parts.Each part should roughly resemble the whole.An infinite number of iterations are allowed.It is the mathematical manifestation of "a pattern within a pattern".
<-Romanesco Broccoli,a natural fractal. 
A fractal created with Sterling ->

A fractal created with Sterling ->
Drop - Koji Suzuki

Novelist Koji Suzuki, author of ‘The Ring’ has chosen to print his novel called “Drop” on toilet paper. The thing is seriously being marketed as “Japan’s creepiest toilet paper”

The whole story is printed on toilet paper, takes place in a public restroom, and can be read in a few minutes.Toilets in Japan were traditionally tucked away in a dark corner of the house due to religious beliefs. Parents would tease children that a hairy hand might pull them down into the dark pool below.

The CE marking (also known as CE mark) is a mandatory conformity mark on many products placed on the single market in the European Economic Area (EEA). The CE marking certifies that a product has met EU consumer safety, health or environmental requirements.
By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer, or in certain cases another legal person responsible for the product, asserts that the item meets all the essential requirements of the relevant European Directive(s) that provide for the CE marking. Examples of European Directives requiring CE marking include toy safety, machinery, low-voltage equipment, medical devices and electromagnetic compatibility. There are about 25 directives requiring CE marking.
Intel's NEW Competition
Intel in collaboration with TOI has launched this competition to promote a sense of creativity and bring out India's inventors.
Weekly prizes:2 laptops
Grand Prize:trip to California for two
Microsoft back up ?
Well it looks like microsoft may have a shot at regaining the top spot on the web ladder,after being very umm...(dis)gracefully ousted by google.Check out Bing and if the fat lady sings,do let us know.
Also,new and exciting from Microsoft is it's project Natal game motion capture device.Didnt we all dream of the day when we would actually (almost) be game heroes.
More info @NATAL@Cnet
Also,new and exciting from Microsoft is it's project Natal game motion capture device.Didnt we all dream of the day when we would actually (almost) be game heroes.
More info @NATAL@Cnet
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