I was thrown out.Yes I was.Everyone is.Eventually.I did take a little longer than most,but I'm out finally and I'm happy.I'm all alone on X1.My parents dont care for me, and I'm free to do what I want,to roam where I want to and to make something of myself.
I have to admit.It was a little hard at first.But now im gradually warming up to the idea.I wonder though,if maybe there is another world out there where twerps actually care for their children always.Does some kind of a lasting tie-up exist between beings of the same family on some other world?You probably think I'm crazy right?
I walked along the road to the little Sement factory.Theres always work there.Old ScumBag is a jolly good twerp and he could always use extra hands,so I'm thinking maybe I'll work at the factory for a while,make me some money and then move on.You know...up the ladder or wherever it is....I'm thinking this and walking, when suddenly my world goes dark...
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