Loud sounds woke me up from my peaceful slumber on an otherwise quiet and uneventful Sunday afternoon.Cursing, i pulled myself out of bed to find out what the racket was all about...
At first sight...pretty oddly, it looked like people were just aimlessly running about the yard and screaming at the top of their voices.On any given day , i would have been pretty OK with this , except that , when people usually ran about shouting , it was either very early in the morning when they realize they have a class,or late at night , when they sing those songs of brotherhood as they return from their drunken soirees(Im sorry Mr.Marley , but we're definitely better at those...)...The time being however none of the above mentioned times but somewhere around 12 in the afternoon, when the sun was at its blazing,searing, let me burn the skin off your back best that this very abnormal act was happening...and then i saw that little red ball bouncing arund..
Cricket...my dear friends....the pride of our country ,or the folly of over a million people?Indian cricket at its best has always been spicy and with an extra dash and flavor to it that no other sport receives in any other country.India's recent fiasco at the Olympics has made very few realize that this country needs to bring a more holistic approach towards the development of sports...Technically , the facts are mind-boggling...a nation of so many, where the winners are so few...Forget about talent, what about plain simple probabilities ?
In the end though , no matter what is said , the average indian's favourite end of the day routine would involve coming home, putting all his worries away and just enjoying todays game for all its worth.Suffice to say, India is a cricket crazy nation and to attempt to explain this craze would be the utmost folly on my part.So i ask"whats the score?" ,head back to my room,pull the covers over my head and get back to sleep...
pretty much sums up the fate of all who are indian and arent die hard cricket fans....
i echo ur emotions too....hehehe
breach of copyright =D
how so?
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