A cricket match ?

Loud sounds woke me up from my peaceful slumber on an otherwise quiet and uneventful Sunday afternoon.Cursing, i pulled myself out of bed to find out what the racket was all about...
At first sight...pretty oddly, it looked like people were just aimlessly running about the yard and screaming at the top of their voices.On any given day , i would have been pretty OK with this , except that , when people usually ran about shouting , it was either very early in the morning when they realize they have a class,or late at night , when they sing those songs of brotherhood as they return from their drunken soirees(Im sorry Mr.Marley , but we're definitely better at those...)...The time being however none of the above mentioned times but somewhere around 12 in the afternoon, when the sun was at its blazing,searing, let me burn the skin off your back best that this very abnormal act was happening...and then i saw that little red ball bouncing arund..
Cricket...my dear friends....the pride of our country ,or the folly of over a million people?Indian cricket at its best has always been spicy and with an extra dash and flavor to it that no other sport receives in any other country.India's recent fiasco at the Olympics has made very few realize that this country needs to bring a more holistic approach towards the development of sports...Technically , the facts are mind-boggling...a nation of so many, where the winners are so few...Forget about talent, what about plain simple probabilities ?
In the end though , no matter what is said , the average indian's favourite end of the day routine would involve coming home, putting all his worries away and just enjoying todays game for all its worth.Suffice to say, India is a cricket crazy nation and to attempt to explain this craze would be the utmost folly on my part.So i ask"whats the score?" ,head back to my room,pull the covers over my head and get back to sleep...

Dudes and dudettes..
Wooho it seems.Bon Jovi's coming to Dubai.Bring out the red carpet and pull it out from under him if u ask me.
Man finding a job here in the UAE is so goddamn hard.I mean i just want somethin short term ya....but its still like..come for this interview...we'll pay u 1500...blah blah....
anyways...im bored.....i donno wat to talk about really...suggest something....
if ye seek.......ye shall find.......
Im back.....
man this whole social networking thing is really getting to us isnt it.....?first there was hi5 , then orkut , nows there's facebook........watever next.....?
ok...look forward to new post.on a whole wide range of wacky , delicious , generally uneducational topics......
chao.(for now)
time out
cya in a while....
Buridian's Ass ?

Buridan's ass is a figurative description of a man of indecision. It refers to a situation wherein an ass, placed exactly in the middle between two stacks of hay of equal size and quality, will starve to death since it cannot make any rational decision to start eating one rather than the other. The paradox is named after the 14th century French philosopher Jean Buridan.
The paradox was, however, not originated by Buridan himself. It is first found in Aristotle's De Caelo, where Aristotle mentions an example of a man who remains unmoved because he is as hungry as he is thirsty and is positioned exactly between food and drink. Buridan nowhere discusses this specific problem but its relevance is that he did advocate a moral determinism whereby, save for ignorance or impediment, a human faced by alternative courses of action must always choose the greater good. Buridan allowed that the will could delay the choice to more fully assess the possible outcomes of the choice. Later writers satirised this view in terms of an ass who, confronted by two equally desirable and accessible bales of hay, must necessarily starve while pondering a decision.
Angel of Death

Weird Nazi guy named Joseph Mengele( I know how many of them weren't weird).By qualification a doctor ,albeit a monstrous one at best .Performed weird experiments(read up at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele) and decided which prisoners at Auschwitz lived and which became his guinea pigs.
The slayer son of the same name...is about him.
Woman Dragged a mile to her death

September 2006
The winding, dark discoloration on the pavement above, which spans one highway mile, is the blood of Luz Maria Franco Fierros, or what remains of her blood after crews hired to clean it from the highway did their best to do so. Fierros was 49, the single mother of three daughters and one son, all of whom lived in the humble home Fierros bought for the family in a small town 130 miles south of Mexico City. Accumulating debt motivated her to take out a second mortgage on her home last spring and to use the money to cross the border into the United States, traveling north to Denver, where a friend had told her there was work. She held three jobs, one at Taco Bell, one at Wendy’s, and one selling corn at a small roadway stand. She was looking forward to paying off her debts and returning home. She called her children (the youngest of whom was 17) every day. One daughter had recently miscarried, intensifying Fierros’ determination to return home soon.
She shared an inexpensive apartment with three men, one of whom was her “boyfriend.” Every day she had breakfast with a girlfriend in a nearby apartment. Those who knew her describe her as a happy woman, redhaired, green-eyed, hardworking, passionate.
Last week the “boyfriend”, Jose Luis Rubi-Nava, 36, knotted an orange tow rope around her neck, tied her to the back of the car she owned, which she shared with him, and dragged her over a mile down the paved concrete highway to her death, leaving the trail of blood depicted above, which also spanned over a mile. When her naked body was discovered, it was unrecognizable. There was so much blood, highway cleaning crews could not clean it all up and special contractors had to be called in. Investigators say she was alive when she was tied to the car. Someone left a photo of the woman and her boyfriend-become-murderer near the body. He was arrested and confessed. She was identified by her fingerprints.
P.S.I did not make this up.It is a true story.World Toilet Day

A day when those deep , washed-up disinfected souls that toilets have finally get to come out and speak well....their minds ?
No...I'm afraid not , a rather boring day where apparently toilets are brought to the forefront(gonna be hard to take a poop now isn't it).No , what i mean is you know...santitation problems and stuff like that....interesting stats are:
- 2.6 billion people –some 41 percent of the global population do not have access to latrines or any sort of basic sanitation facilities
- 1.5 million children die every year due to inadequate sanitation and hygiene
- Estimated 42,000 people die every week from diseases relate to low water quality and an absence of adequate sanitation
Cool SIte
This site allows you to download anything off any site...pretty cool...
Poll Results
A big thank you to all those who voted for me..unfortunately...the world isn't ready as yet for my vision....until then....

Ok , so some classes are really boring and well....u want to...nay ...u need to skip them....well...how do those wonderful friends of your's who take your place do...is it blind courage....skill or a mix of both...
to date...i feel and hopefully this will hold true for at least two weeks , i feel you need a mix o both skill and courage to perfect this art which can go wrong in oh so many ways...
Lets divide this lesson into four bits.
1.The setup
Choose a good place to sit in.You shouldn't be too visible to the teacher or too far out.
2.The first hit
ok...so I'm referring to each roll call as a hit...the first hit(could be either your's or a friends).take it nice and easy.make your voice sound small and pitiful(unless it already is , well then you don't have to be ashamed of it).
3.The shift
Shift your place quickly!
4.The second hit
Repeat first hit , in a different position(don't get any funny ideas here).
you've done...
NOTE PLEASE: any foreseen consequences as a result of persons following the guidance of this article shall not be the responsibility of the author.
Have fun.Hail Proxykai( samurais..).
P.S. Name of the article based on the art of war by sun tzu....
Murphy's Law

Ok.... a little bored now...don't really know what to post about...so here i am writing in and telling you about ahem ahem...Murphy's Law...
Basically this law states that anything than can go wrong will -at the worst possible moment...it is (on the whole) a play on human nature...and how we tend to see the glass as half empty and not half full(yes....pessimism)...
One common example of Murphy's law at work is when you're stuck in a traffic jam and it always seems like the other lane is moving faster...
Another way of putting this law , quite simply is:"the grass always looks greener on the other side..."
Shred Guitar
Human Energy...
Companies like chevron are trying to develop methods to harness the kinetic energy due to our movement and stuff.....
Why are hydrogen fuel cells taking so long to come to fruitition ?

You obviously must have heard of this wondrous invention that hopefully revolutionize the way we generate energy sometime soon.
So , we have the working down.I mean Hydrogen gas is pumped in and we have a polymer membrane that allows only hydrogen ions to move through it , while electrons move through the electrodes to complete the circuit.
The question to ask at this point would be: Whats the big deal ?
Well , you see nearly every other cell at this point of time generates some kind of substance that pollutes our once green(and blue)planet.This cell however is the first perfectly clean cell.Generating only water as it's waste product.
O.K. , so the problems as they stand are :
1.Cost of the catalyst- approx US$1000 per KW of output(global consumption is approximately 10 raised to 10 KW)(that would mean 1o raised to thirteen dollars go per second...)
2.The polymer membrane is expensive(around 400 euros per square metre).
3.Low carbon monoxide resistance.
4.Hydrogen , the fuel cell , is difficult to contain and transport as it forms an explosive mixture with oxygen.
Hopefully , these problems will soon be dealt with...and we'll live to see a greener planet earth...
The top 10 companies of the year 2007
6. Toyota Motor | |
2. Exxon Mobil | 7. Chevron |
4. BP | |
10. Total |
A grocery store at the top ? boy...times sure are changing.
How to play the guitar like slash ...

Slash , aka Saul Hudson is best known for his stint as the lead guitarist in Guns n' Roses.
His playing style , though not overly technical , was beautiful in it's ability to create memorizable leads.
Basically , his lead style centered around the usage of the pentatonic scales , both major and minor , with some sweet notes notes making up the fill - ins.
Being frank now , his is all you really need to know...but....hold it...it's not that easy..try it and see...given below is a link to a pentatonic lesson...
Beethoven eat your heart out!
Why ?
Why is the earth the earth and not mars ?
Why is an electron negative in nature...
This and various other very delightful , off-the-cuff ,deep questions were some that struck me during the course of a physical chemistry lecture today , being taken by Mr.Chandramouly.
Let me tell you about Mr.Chandramouly.For starters , he isn't one of your conventional.Eg.Say someone(an yes that someone could be me)was sleeping in his class.For a normal teacher , this would elicit a response like "GO AND WASH YOUR FACE!" to "IS THIS WHAT YOU COME HERE FOR?" and the occasional inevitable "GET OUT OF MY CLASS!"But Mr.C would probably let you sleep for a while and then wake you up at a point and say " This point is important why don' you listen to it and go back to sleep ?"
Enough about Mr.C then , back to the class.Well in this class , we had just started chemical bonding and as it always is when it gets atomic , there was a lot of doubt as to how it all started, why a lot of stuff happens etc. etc. One of the questions Mr.C asked is....why do electrons revolve around the nucleus...to this one of our more studios pupils , Mr.A.Thrupati answered" Sir...(something about quantum mechanics)..." It was at this point that it was the Mr.A.T.'s turn to be shocked...Mr.C asked him...to his face...do the electrons know about quantum mechanics ?..
See...thats the point where you'll laugh...end of story...
Why do You feel weightless during a free fall ?
As most of us know , the reason you do feel your weight at all on the earth is due to the influence of gravity or the attraction (according to Newton) between you and the molten crap at the earths core.
The expression for this force which you feel is given by F=mg , where m is a property of your body called mass , and where g is the acceleration due to gravity which has a value ( on the earth's surface) of 9.81 metres per square second.
At this juncture i must introduce all of you to Newton's third law of motion : Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.You feel this in the recoil of a gun when you fire it and it is also the reason you stay put on the earth's surface and don't sink towards it dark , murky and extremely hot depths.
It is actually precisely for this reason that you feel your weight at all , ie your weight as you perceive it is nothing but the reaction of the ground due to the acceleration due to gravity acting on your body.
In the case of a free fall or when your car moves over a bridge etc.etc. this is exactly what is happening.There is no ground to counteract the force exerted by gravity on your body and hence you feel weightless.
Protest the Hero - Fortress(2008)
Protest The Hero - Kezia(2005)
Why does orange juice taste bad after you brush your teeth?

74 guitar effects (a truckload of modulation-compression-reverb, delay, pitch shift, and EQ effects - up to10 can be used simultaneously).
30 Drive effects with VAMS amp modeling.
3 acoustic guitar simulators.
120 patches (60 preset/60 user).
Fully programmable on-board expression pedal.
Onboard drum machine for practice or recording (60 preset patterns with tempo control).
6-second onboard sampler to record your favorite guitar parts or musical phrases (you can slow down sampler re-play by up to 25% without changing the pitch for learning intricate guitar parts).
Smart Media card slot ready for expanded phrase sampler and patch memory, analog control knobs for fast editing, large LED display and dual footswitches for live performance patch changes and tuning with the onboard chromatic tuner. Smart Media card is not included.
ZNR Noise Reduction.
Stereo 1/4 in. headphone/line output.
Operates up to 11 hours on 4 AA batteries or optional AC adapter.
I purchased this effects unit 3 years ago and I’m pretty happy with it. I play it with my Ibanez rg-2570 and an Ibanez amp. The styles I play are mostly metal and rock with an occasion influx of pop and other crappy genres(no offense there).
The unit comes with one expression pedal which can be used to turn on or off modulation or reverb etc. , reduce the volume and modulate the wah.There are various types of gains and the sound can be enhanced further by adding stacks and combos. The delay and the effects such as flanger , phaser etc. are pretty good.
Some aspects of this little box aren’t that perfect though. The zoom noise reduction pedal is on the whole rather ineffective. Case in question: The sweep patch and the van halen patch. The wah effect also doesn’t come out strongly enough(example: if you tried to play the lead in be yourself-audioslave , you’d end up sounding pretty foolish.)
Pros: 72 patches , 36 customizable.
Cons: Poor noise reduction and wah.
Final Verdict: A good beginner’s pedal.
Review of the Ibanez Rg-2570

3pc Super Wizard neck.
Basswood body.
Large frets.
Sharktooth Inlay.
Edge Pro bridge.
DiMarzio® IBZ-N Humbucker neck pickup.
DiMarzio® IBZ-S Singlecoil mid pickup.
DiMarzio® IBZ-B Humbucker bridge pickup.
Colour: Vital Silver.
Includes a M10RG lockable hard case.
Y review this baby ? coz i own it...ya thats right...
First off...the feel of the neck is superb...the basswood body is really smooth and u can feel you're fingers just gliding along.the Floyd Rose tremolo system...while not dean-like (as in on the razorback etc.etc.) still excels.The guitar comes with the RG-standard tuning lock and hence the tuning is retained even over extended periods of time(such as the current tenure at NIT-Warangal I'm enduring(hehe)..).The pickups;Dimarzios man...they speak for themselves...this guitar can whine and spit as well as it can cry and moan.Just changing the pickup selection from the bridge to the neck pickup makes you feel like your holding a brand new guitar in your hand....
All in all....an amazing guitar...if you're looking for something in it's price range...an excellent choice....